Aktivitas dimulai dengan shalat subuh berjamaah. Kemudian seluruh anggota berjalan keliling komplek. Sampai di rumah sang Ibu bergegas ke dapur menyiapkan makanan untuk sarapan seluruh anggota keluarga. Bosan menunggu, anak sulungnya (10 tahun) menyusul ke dapur. Kemudian si anak membantu apa yang bisa mereka lakukan. Belum sempat mengusap si anak datang dan menyodorkan secarik kertas. Diambilnya kertas putih itu, dan membacanya sepintas.
Upah membantu ibu :
- belanja ke warung Rp. 2.000,-
- menyapu dan mengepel lantai Rp. 5.000,-
- menata meja makan Rp. 2.000,-
- membuat minum untuk ayah Rp. 2.000,-
- membuang sampah Rp. 2.000,-
- membereskan tempat tidur Rp. 5.000,-
- menyiram tanaman Rp. 2.000,-
Total Rp. 20.000,-
Selesai membaca, si ibu tersenyum hangat dan memandang anaknya yang sedang mengikuti gerak geriknya dengan pandangan cemas dan gembira. ”Sini Nak, tolong ambilkan bunda pulpen itu”.
Si anak segera mengambilnya. Si ibu membalikkan kertas dan selanjutnya menulis sesuatu. Lalu disodorkannya ke sang anak dan meminta untuk membaca apa yang ditulis ibunya.
Tertera :
- Upah mengandungmu selama 9 bulan- GRATIS
- Upah menyusuimu selama 2 tahun - GRATIS
- Upah menjagamu di malam hari -GRATIS
- Upah menangis karena sedih saat menungguimu sedang sakit demam – GRATIS
- Upah khawatir waktu menungguimu test IQ saat mau masuk SD – Gratis
- Upah menyediakan makanan sehat dan makanan kesukaanmu – GRATIS
- Upah memenuhi keinginanmu untuk memiliki mainan seperti yang dimiliki teman sebayamu – GRATIS.
Jumlah Keseluruhan dari yang bunda berikan GRATIS karena bunda ikhlas melakukannya.
Air mata si anak berlinang setelah membaca. Rasa menyesal ditandai dengan deraian air mata yang mengalir di sepanjang pipinya. Kemudian dipeluknya sang ibu.
”Aku minta maaf. Aku sayang sama Bunda”.
Kemudian si anak mengambil pena. Di sudut kertas ditulisnya "TELAH DIBAYAR"
Sudarmono, Dr.(2010). Mutiara Kalbu Sebening Embun Pagi, 1001 Kisah Sumber Inspirasi, Idea Press, Yogyakarta. pp. 1-2. ISBN 978-6028-686-402.
Telah Dibayar Lunas dengan Segelas SusuSuatu hari, seorang anak lelaki miskin yang hidup dari menjual asongan dari pintu ke pintu, menemukan bahwa di kantongnya hanya tersisa beberapa sen uangnya, dan dia sangat lapar. Anak lelaki tersebut memutuskan untuk meminta makanan dari rumah berikutnya. Akan tetapi anak itu kehilangan keberanian saat seorang wanita muda membuka pintu rumah. Anak itu tidak jadi meminta makanan, ia hanya berani meminta segelas air. Wanita muda tersebut melihat, dan berpikir bahwa anak lelaki tersebut pastilah lapar, oleh karena itu ia membawakan segelas besar susu. Anak lelaki itu meminumnya dengan lambat, dan kemudian bertanya, "Berapa saya harus membayar untuk segelas besar susu ini ?" Wanita itu menjawab: "Kamu tidak perlu membayar apapun". "Ibu kami mengajarkan untuk tidak menerima bayaran untuk kebaikan" kata wanita itu menambahkan. Anak lelaki itu kemudian menghabiskan susunya dan berkata :" Dari dalam hatiku aku berterima kasih pada anda." Sekian belas tahun kemudian, wanita muda tersebut mengalami sakit yang sangat kritis. Para dokter di kota itu sudah tidak sanggup menanganinya. Mereka akhirnya mengirimnya ke kota besar, dimana terdapat dokter spesialis yang mampu menangani penyakit langka tersebut. Dr. Howard Kelly dipanggil untuk melakukan pemeriksaan. Pada saat ia mendengar nama kota asal si wanita tersebut,terbersit seberkas pancaran aneh pada mata dokter Kelly. Segera ia bangkit dan bergegas turun melalui hall rumah sakit, menuju kamar si wanita tersebut. Dengan berpakaian jubah kedokteran ia menemui si wanita itu. Ia langsung mengenali wanita itu pada sekali pandang. Ia kemudian kembali ke ruang konsultasi dan memutuskan untuk melakukan upaya terbaik untuk menyelamatkan nyawa wanita itu. Mulai hari itu, Ia selalu memberikan perhatian khusus pada kasus wanita itu. Setelah melalui perjuangan yang panjang, akhirnya diperoleh kemenangan.. Wanita itu sembuh !!. Dr. Kelly meminta bagian keuangan rumah sakit untuk mengirimkan seluruh tagihan biaya pengobatan kepadanya untuk persetujuan. Dr. Kelly melihatnya, dan menuliskan sesuatu pada pojok atas lembar tagihan, dan kemudian mengirimkannya ke kamar pasien. Wanita itu takut untuk membuka tagihan tersebut, ia sangat yakin bahwa ia tak akan mampu membayar tagihan tersebut walaupun harus dicicil seumur hidupnya. Akhirnya Ia memberanikan diri untuk membaca tagihan tersebut, dan ada sesuatu yang menarik perhatuannya pada pojok atas lembar tagihan tersebut. Ia membaca tulisan yang berbunyi.. "Telah dibayar lunas dengan segelas besar susu.." tertanda, DR Howard Kelly. Air mata kebahagiaan membanjiri matanya. |
The Milk of Human Kindness One day, a poor boy who was selling goods from door to door to pay his way through school, found he had only one thin dime left, and he was hungry. He decided he would ask for a meal at the next house. However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door. Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked hungry so brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it so slowly, and then asked, How much do I owe you?" You don't owe me anything," she replied. "Mother has taught us never to accept pay for a kindness." He said ... "Then I thank you from my heart." As Howard Kelly left that house, he not only felt stronger physically, but his faith in God and man was strong also. He had been ready to give up and quit. Many year's later that same young woman became critically ill. The local doctors were baffled. They finally sent her to the big city, where they called in specialists to study her rare disease. Dr. Howard Kelly was called in for the consultation. When he heard the name of the town she came from, a strange light filled his eyes. Immediately he rose and went down the hall of the hospital to her room. Dressed in his doctor's gown he went in to see her. He recognized her at once. He went back to the consultation room determined to do his best to save her life. From that day he gave special attention to her case. After a long struggle, the battle was won. Dr. Kelly requested the business office to pass the final bill to him for approval. He looked at it, then wrote something on the edge and the bill was sent to her room. She feared to open it, for she was sure it would take the rest of her life to pay for it all. Finally she looked, and something caught her attention on the side of the bill. She read these words ... "Paid in full with one glass of milk" (Signed) Dr. Howard Kelly. Tears of joy flooded her eyes as her happy heart prayed: "Thank You, God, that Your love has spread broad through human hearts and hands." |
The Milk of Human Kindness Origins: The above-quoted account has been showing up in the snopes.com inbox since 2000. It has appeared in any number of collections of inspirational tales and self-help books, including Ruth Fishel's 2004 Living Light as a Feather: How to Find Joy in Every Day and a Purpose in Every Problem, Viola Walden's 1994 Pardon the Mess: A Collection of Family-Building Thoughts, Benjamin Blech's 2003 Taking Stock: A Spiritual Guide to Rising Above Life's Financial Ups and Downs, and John Mark Templeton's 2002 Wisdom From World Religions: Pathways Towards Heaven on Earth. It is a well-traveled and much beloved tale. And yet, while at its heart it is a true story, it has been so greatly exaggerated that it is now only a caricature of itself, having been distorted in numerous ways to better tell the story of a doctor who wouldn't accept a fee for his services from a gal who once gave him a glass of milk. Dr. Howard Kelly (1858-1943) was a distinguished physician who was one of the four founding doctors of Johns Hopkins, the first medical research university in the U.S. and arguably one of the finest hospitals anywhere. In 1895 he established the department of Gynecology and Obstetrics at that school. Over the course of his career, he advanced the sciences of gynecology and surgery, both as a teacher and as a practitioner. It is not his skills as a healer or accomplishments as a medical pioneer that concern us in this tale, though, but rather the account of a years-previous kindness repaid. According to the biography written by Audrey Davis from knowledge she gained of the doctor through her On a walking trip up through Northern Pennsylvania one spring, Kelly stopped by a small farm house for a drink of cool spring water. A little girl answered his knock and instead of water brought him a glass of fresh milk. After a short friendly visit, he went on his way. Some years later, that same little girl came to him for an operation. Just before she left for home, her bill was brought into the room and across its face was written in a bold hand, "Paid in full with one glass of milk." However, it should be noted that while the story itself is true, it has been greatly embellished to make it a more touching tale. The young man did not hold a job, in fact, until the age of 22 — upon being sent to Colorado Springs for his health (he stayed there for a year) and purchasing a horse for $40, he carried the mail for a week to relieve the regular mailman. The future Dr. Kelly came to be tramping about the farmland and woods of Pennsylvania and put himself at that farm house door through his love of nature. His special joy was to hike great distances and study animals in the wild, and indeed he had been headed for a career as a naturalist until his father insisted during his final year of college (1877) that he "divert his talents into a field that offered greater certainty of a livelihood and promised fair financial return." On the day described in the "milk" anecdote, he hadn't been "ready to give up and quit," nor had he been experiencing a spiritual crisis that caused him to doubt the nature of man or God. Throughout his life Howard Kelly was a devout Christian whose faith was as natural to him as breathing. He was neither financially nor spiritually beaten down that day; he was merely a thirsty hiker who thought to ask for a glass of water at a farm he passed. The Davis biography of Dr. Kelly contains no mention of the "glass of milk" girl's being "critically ill," of her local doctors being "baffled," or of her being sent to Baltimore because she had fallen victim to a "rare disease," as the much-embroidered version of the tale would have it. Indeed, nothing is said of her case to indicate that it was at all unusual, or that her life was in any way in jeopardy. Other than for As regards his writing off that bill, while So, to sum up:
Barbara "skim milk" Mikkelson |
Dr Howard Atwood Kelly |
http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GSvcid=175874&GRid=34504991& |
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